Bacon Valentine Poem: To My ManBacon


by 365daysofbacon


ManBacon, I bacon heart u.

Today and every other non-commerical day.

♥ ♥ ♥

Bacon is red,

don’t look so blue,

if I fry bacon

I’ll share with you.

♥ ♥ ♥

13 thoughts on “Bacon Valentine Poem: To My ManBacon

  1. maluhiapt says:

    Before I met your blog bacon was already delicious and interesting, but after it became funny, now it is even romantic lol

  2. bentodays says:

    Lovely! How did you weave the bacon into such a perfect heart shape?

  3. ewgreenlee says:

    Ooh, a romantic sizzling bacon poem. I love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog for Happy Bacon Day. Will be sure to watch your take on 365 days of bacon, bacon, bacon.

  4. lol…sharing is caring 🙂

  5. […] I tried to find fun valentine’s activities for boys online but pretty much they are all girly. Lots of crafts. Lots of pink. Lots of frosting. So I think our Valentine’s cleverness will just have to be food related. Perhaps our Sunday brunch can include heart shaped bacon and pancakes. […]

  6. Victor says:

    Bacon is my everything 🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓

  7. Favio says:

    I love my bacon 🥓 and please follow my boyfriend on instagram it’s victor_coolest14

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